Learning to Let Go - 48inch x 72inch
The Flame of Holy Remembering - 60inch x 48inch
Endlessly Glowing Embers - Oil on Canvas - 14in x 12in
Held - Oil on Canvas - 12in x 14in
No Feeling is Final - Oil on Canvas - 16in x 12in
Night Intelligence - 60inch x 48inch
From Somewhere Down Inside
How Brightly It Burns
Monumento 2
To Make Smooth
Amulet 1
Make Whole
What We Rest In
Everything’s Fallible
Primary Acts of Earth
Does Anything? (Make Sense)
How Do You Helm a Muse
Creatures of Convenience
Reasoning with Attachments
Enigmatic Liminality
Infinite Brevity
Heavy Levity
The Tide of Rising Time
Nourishment Dilemma
For Hope in Open Lands
After the Fire Comes Growth
A Portrait in Red, Black and Green
For Health in Heavy Hands
Now Do You See?
Two Eggs and a Conduit Telepathically Connected at Night
The Way It Is Now
Most Evenings Across the Street
The First Time We Hung Out We Did Donuts on E. Jefferson in This Truck
Los Angeles River
2 Eggs Scrambled, Hash Browns and Sourdough Toast
This is the Most Beautiful Alley I’ve Ever Seen
Someone’s Roof
Across the Street
Landscape Interjection
Out There We Gather
Gotten Myself Into Self
A Place in Perception
Uncertainty Wanderings
Support Like a Stone When the Storm Rolls In